
Fundam » Hospitality » Hospitality- and service concept analysis
Fundam » Hospitality » Hospitality- and service concept analysis

Hospitality- and service concept analysis

As a follow-up on service strategy development or as a separate activity FUNDAM carries out an analysis of the hospitality levels of your service activities, followed by the development of a new or renewed hospitable service concept.
The first activity is the execution of a hospitality scan. We use for this scan the so called “incident method”, i.e. a mystery visit. Also the Michelin guide hands out (or takes away) its famous restaurant stars in this way ……………… .

The output of a hospitality scan is a report for the management whereby we describe the quality of hospitality of the client company in a systematic way.
This scan can also be carried out as a prelude for a session on service strategy development.

The next step, in conjunction with subject matter experts of the client, is converting the outcome of the scan in a concrete, hospitable service concept, elaborated in concrete Standards of Performance (SoP’s). These SoP’s will consequently be embedded in the organization by means of several training programs that aim at having staff displaying consequent hospitable behavior towards customers.